And now for my next trick, I shall go to grad school!
New adventures, new travels, so let's kick up this place again.
The new place is lovely and cozy (one of those cute terms for 'small'), and I like it. It is still weird to see my stuff in a place that doesn't feel like home, but I assume that will change. Incidentally, it gives me all sorts of feels about 'what is home' and 'do I even know what home is anymore' and other philosophical thoughts a physicist should not be thinking.
This is the only part of my apartment that is currently tidy, so it's the only pic you get. |
Notwithstanding the first week of nightmares, things have gone smoothly. Classes are entertaining, and I collect such great quotes from my teachers. Gems like "He was a mushy-headed liberal poo" and "We like to use Whack-A-Mole diplomacy" really make me enjoy this program. It's gonna be so good, you guys, I can just feel it.