Thursday, March 17, 2011

My useless skillz

Here is some random stuff: I know completely useless and random facts. And I have a ridiculously large knowledge of men's haberdashery. Seriously. I know all this random stuff about stitching on suits, the lay of the buttons, patterns of fabric, appropriate ties for occasions, the differences between italian and english and american suits, what kind of material lays nicest against certain body types, and how choose the right cloth for any occasion.
I'll tell you what this knowledge is for. It's so that I can totally geek out over this totally awesome blog I found that I freaking love so much cause it knows so so so so so so so much more than me and I love learning about pointless things.
I hope I marry someone who is going to need to wear a lot of fancy suits.

3 piece suits make me melt. Every time.

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh cynthia we are kindred spirits. did i just watch casino royale and drool over his wardrobe, particularly his three-piece in the last scene? yes. yes i did.
    you know what else is good? watching men in suits on the red carpet.
