Sunday, February 6, 2011

Me and books get along real well.

Yesterday I went to explore Tunbrige Wells downtown area. It was lovely. Why you ask? Because I found a GORGEOUS second-hand bookshop that will probably get tons of money from me before I leave England. Here are some samples.....

The Rubaiyat - some old Persian poetry that is just delightful. With pictures! Gaston would be happy.

Second edition of my second favorite book. Heck yes I did.

I might need a bigger suitcase. HAha from L-R: Arabian Nights, The Jungle Book, Essays by Bacon, Stories from the Greek Legends, Confessions by Augustine, Frankenstein!, Alexander Pope's trans. of Odyssey, some Churchill poetry, Treasure Island, Keats Poetry, Rubaiyat, and Lorna Doone.

It was a good day.

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