Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day is NOT Single Awareness Day

I get frustrated when single people declare that they hate valentines day because it focuses on couples. NO. SINGLE people are focusing on the fact that they are not in a relationship. "V-day is Single Awareness Day because I don't have someone to kiss/hug/hold hands/give flowers/throw candy hearts at....etc."
Give me a break.
Valentines day is about celebrating love. I know that corporate America has turned it into a couples thing, but that doesn't mean you have to do it too. It's an opportunity to express love to those you care about. "We shouldn't have a special day set aside for this! You should show affection all the time!" Yes, true, but who cares?

Furthermore, doesn't whining about single-ness imply that you only feel fulfilled when you're in a relationship? Do you need someone else to make you feel worth-while? This is unhealthy. Go find a counselor.

To quote Massimo from "The Wedding Planner" - "I love love, and I love to be in love, talk about love, think about love..." Love is a great, wonderful thing. Celebrate being in love, if you are. Celebrate togetherness, closeness and kiss your single days goodbye. If you're single, celebrate being the most awesome single person this world has ever known. Find joy in the journey, not in the destination.

Since I am a single girl, celebrating love and happiness and the joys of being an independent happy person, I post these unforgettable kisses. (This is my snide side coming out....) :)

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