Saturday, January 5, 2013

You thought I forgot about this place, didn't you?

I'm not dead!
   Defying all common thought, I made the drive across the country in complete and unexciting safety. I didn't even have a flat tire. In the movie of my life they will probably leave out this epic drive. You win some, you lose some.... I guess. 
   Anyway, driving across the country all by myself was a ton of fun. Mostly because of all the fun and funny things I got to see. I chose to drive on I-20 through the south. I love the south. I love it so much. 
   Louisiana was a particular favorite. I guess I never expected that people actually talk like that...but my beloved 3 readers, THEY DO. And when I stopped for gas I tried so hard to not talk like them. but. i. just. couldn't. Southern will out. Here is a clip from princess and the frog, so you know what I'm talking about. They sounded just like Ray. 
   There was also the funny time when I stopped at gas station in the middle of nowhere Louisiana and there was a cemetery next to the gas station. Which had about 20 pickups outside. And I was this lone little car. And I walked in and about 40 guys all turned to look at me. And the gas station sold alligator jerky. So, you know, that was exciting. 
   I also really enjoyed Texas. There's this line in Newsies where Jack Kelly sings "I want space/not just air" and  that always resonates with me when I go into a city. Texas is huge and flat, and the sky just goes on and on forever. The stars at night are big and bright! 
   Have I talked about the south enough? Like how the spanish moss was so pretty lazily sitting on the great old trees, or how North Carolina is really really into boiled peanuts and how South Carolina smelled bad, and how the dirt is really red in Georgia? It's a lovely part of the country. 
   All good things come to end, however, and the crazy driving in DC brought me to my final destination. There are more cars here then I ever thought I'd care to see. But it is exciting to live so close to the capital. I've been lucky enough to see so many other countries and their capitals, and now I finally get to see mine! Go USA.

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