Saturday, January 15, 2011

A little off the beaten path

We're going on a litte adventure with this post. We'll affectionately subtitle it, "in which Cynthia explores her connection with odd music."

There's this poem by W. Shakespeare that I love. It's in Much Ado, and while I usually just think it is funny and it makes me happy, there are unfortunate times that the poem just resonates with me. The title of my blog is from this poem - "Sigh no more, Ladies. Sigh no more..."
A little over a year ago I found a band that I have to come to love intensely. Mumford and Sons. They put parts of this poem into a song, and it was the first song I ever heard by them, in the middle of one of those unfortunate times. I listened to all their music, and every single song has at least one line that always resonate with me, no matter when I listen to it.

One of the things I love most about this song is that they take other lines from Much Ado and put them in the song. "Serve God, Love me, and mend." "Man is a giddy thing."

Other songs worth listening to...
1. Winter Winds..."My head told my heart, let love grow. But my heart told me head, this time no."
2. Liar... "you say you have spoken, and like the coward I am, I hang my head."
3. Awake my Soul... "Lend me your eyes, I can change what you see, but your soul you must keep totally free."
4. Hold on to What You Believe.... "I ran away... it was a promise I could not make."

and last but certainly not least, is Little Lion Man. It's my second favorite song ever written. But be warned... it has some swear words in it. But in all of the English language, I don't think there are other words that can so clearly convey all the anger, self-loathing, and despair that the guy sings about having. A very moving song. Well, at least to me.


  1. So beautiful, and TRUE! I too love their music, and will now need to listen to them all again.

  2. I listen to this song all the time. I have completely converted to Mumford & Sons since you told me about them last year... and have even converted others. I love that you are brilliant!
